Gezonde Thee


Gezonde Thee contains delicious tea combinations made with dried teas, fresh herbs, spices and fruits. Tea is the most consumed drink in the world, but most people stick to a ready-made tea bag, while there are so many delicious tea combinations that can be made with dried teas, fresh herbs, spices and fruits. Take black tea with coriander and orange peel or sage with cloves. And mint with red clover or cinnamon with cumin. In addition to different tea combinations, you will also find cleansing tonics in this book.

Fern Green is a food stylist, author, chef and hotel owner. She regularly writes for magazines and has several cookbooks to her name. When she's not food styling or developing recipes, she cooks for her guests in her kitchen garden in Italy.

About this book:

  • Author: Fern Green
  • Language: Dutch
  • Binding method: hardcover
  • Release date: June 2016
  • Dimensions: 21.4 x 15.1 x 2.3 cm
  • Number of pages: 160
  • Recommended age: 14-99

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